Take part in TER4RAIL video contest

Published by Christine Hassoun on

“We want to create the future of European railways together with you”

In a world where sustainable and modern transport is becoming more and more important confronting climate change and the high demand of fast and secure transport, there is a great need to strengthen the rail transport market position.

As part of Ter4Rail, a Shift2Rail funded project, we know that we can achieve many goals through innovations that create better, quieter, more comfortable, secure and reliable trains. We see a bright future for rail transport for both people and goods. We want to see a future where the European rail transport plays a central role in both freight and passenger traffic. To get there we must be able to offer a modern, secure, cost-efficient and competitive option for travellers and shippers but we must also attract more users and create a bigger awareness of the railway modality.

If we want more travellers to choose the railways in the future, we need to take into account what the future traveller, the younger generation want and how we can reach their visions and also promote and create an attractive image of the railways among them.

Therefore we have launched a video contest which will focus on the thoughts, needs and ideas of the younger generation. The goal of the video contest is to engage and motivate a broad and young audience to use their own words and images to explain, support and create awareness around the promotion of the railways in Europe.

A team, with maximum 4 participants under 26 years from a European country (EU28), enters the competition with their contribution via the website.

It may be any kind of video material between 60 and 120 seconds and in English. The video should illustrate, explain and show the view and thoughts of the creating team and also be able to attract attention and create an emotional reaction from the viewer. It should also mention at least one innovation made within the Shift2Rail Joint undertaking and how this can lead to the changes that they want to see in the future.

All submissions will be added to our YouTube channel. The winning team will be elected according to a combination of the most viewed video and the votes from an appointed Jury.

First Prize:
Interrail tickets for 22 days continuous Global Interrail Passes, 1st class provided by Eurail with 1 ticket for each team members (maximum 4 tickets) and the invitation to join the Shift2Rail Projects Forum in autumn 2020, in Brussels (dates 21-22/10/2020 T.B.C) to present the winning material.

Public favourite:
Interrail tickets for 7 days (within 1 month) Global Interrail Passes – 2nd class provided by Eurail with 1 ticket for each team members (maximum 4 tickets).

On the Website and on our YouTube channel and social media accounts:

“Take part in the video contest and be part of the future of railways.”

Categories: Contest