TER4RAIL project

National rail research and innovation projects

The members of the TER4RAIL Project , as part of the Rail Innovative Research Observatory activities, have compiled a large number of Rail Research and Innovation projects financed at National Level under public competitive calls thanks to the kind collaboration of key stakeholders of the different countries.

Have a look at the 381 Projects from 6 European Countries gathered so far, available at: T4R_NationalRailProjects_Database_Oct2019.

This information may contribute to a more successful rail research and innovation by facilitating the flow of information and stimulating the transfer of knowledge. Should you have further information to be uploaded on this live database, please contact TER4RAIL project partners at: aherranz@ffe.es and eprieto@ffe.es.

Should you be interested in the rail-related projects financed under the European Programme Horizon 2020, please feel free to consult the information on the 179 projects identified by TER4RAIL: https://ter4rail.eu/2019/04/11/rail-project-scan/.

For further information on national rail research and innovation projects, there are currently two global databases that may also be consulted: